The beginning
2004-12-28 :: 7:24 p.m.

I think yesterday was my last day as a smoker.
I felt my usual bronchitis coming on around 3 days ago, though I didn't think I would get full-fledged bronchitis, because I've already had it like 2 times this year. Boy was I wrong. I have full-fledged freakin bronchitis. I can hardly breathe, I went to my doctor's today and he prescribed an antibiotic and cough syrup and gave me an excuse to be off work tonight. Every time I cough, it hurts really bad in my upper chest. I can't breathe, I can hardly talk, I feel like a pile of shit, basically. I am so sick. I keep thinking back on all of those times that I got bronchitis and swore I'd quit smoking but I never did. My doctor tells me that I have COPD and I'm only 25 years old. I'm going to have to quit smoking or else I'll feel like this all the time, sick or not. Adam told me he'd help me. I'd really really like it if he would support me through this. It takes 2 weeks for nicotine to get out of your system, so it's going to be a long two weeks. I hope this time I can kick the habit for good, and resist the temptation to go outside and associate smoking with friendship at work. Ugh. The longest I've ever quit since I started smoking was a week, when I went with my parents to New England. That was the longest time. Oh yeah, and when I was in the hosp. for my blood sugar.
Well, I'm going to go for now, I'll catch ya on the flip side.


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