The beginning
2004-12-29 :: 2:25 p.m.

I guess I'm starting to feel better now, I slept pretty well last night and I cleaned today, so I must be feeling better. We went to Monroeville today and got some CD's and a Simpsons calendar (50% off! yess!). Anyway, I am off tonight again and I'm happy with that. Tomorrow is payday and hopefully I can get some new pants. I need to start working out. I gained 10 pounds over Christmas. Good heavens. Well, I work in a nursing home, and there are always TONS of cookies laying around because doctors and family members send them in for Christmas.
People are getting less annoying to me. Maybe I'm doing better with the nicotine withdrawl. It's going to be a long two weeks, though. I don't know if I can quit smoking at work. Work is my toughest challenge, because not only is it my social hour, it is my tension-release outlet. Eh, we'll see how it works out. I am thinking about putting 3.50 in the jar every other day to symbolize me paying for a pack of cigarettes, so that I can see how much I was paying and maybe at the end of the month I'd buy myself something nice with the money. That might be incentive enough.
Well, I'm going to get movin here, I might go clean something else.

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